
Implementing a Stacktrace on ARMv7-M

This project is part of the TOLOSAT flight software, which I am currently developing. The goal is to create a Fault Detection, Isolation, and Recovery (FDIR) mechanism for robust fault management.

The repository is available here.


The FDIR system is crucial for the Cortex-M7 microcontroller that powers the TOLOSAT software. To effectively detect and isolate faults, we needed a way to trace the call stack, which is commonly known as a stacktrace mechanism.

Challenges on ARMv7-M

Unlike x86 architectures, implementing stack tracing on an ARMv7-M microcontroller presents specific challenges:

Stack Unwinding with ARM EHABI

I discovered that the ARM EABI GCC compiler generates stack unwinding information in two ELF file sections: .ARM.exidx and .ARM.extab. This data is essential for exception handling and provides insights for our stacktrace implementation.

Unwind Instruction Example

Below is an excerpt from the .ARM.exidx section of our ELF file:

0x80 <_stack_init>: 0x1 [cantunwind]

0x140 <UnwindStack>: @0x2000048c
  Compact model index: 1
  0x97      vsp = r7
  0x01      vsp = vsp + 8
  0x84 0x08 pop {r7, r14}
  0xb0      finish
  0xb0      finish


0xd38 <Reset_Handler>: @0x20000564
  Compact model index: 1
  0x97      vsp = r7
  0x03      vsp = vsp + 16
  0x84 0x08 pop {r7, r14}
  0xb0      finish
  0xb0      finish

This information provides the stack frame pointer (vsp), the offset to the return address (r14), and the adjustments for the previous frame pointer.

Implementation Details

Decoding Stack Unwinding Instructions

I developed functions to decode the .ARM.exidx and .ARM.extab information and retrieve the call stack trace. The implementation details can be found in:

Debugging and Challenges

Understanding the ARM exception handling and unwinding tables took considerable effort, alongside rigorous debugging. Some debugging snippets used during development are available in:

I also optimized a few functions using pure programming techniques to improve performance and memory usage (using pure functions and __attribute__((pure))).

Current Status

The stacktrace mechanism operates on a bare-metal environment, it has also been tested on a FreeRTOS environment. Major bugs have been fixed, and the stacktrace mechanism is now stable and reliable.

Future Work